Well I went downtown today and got myself a new pair of gore-tex hiking boots for hunting season. I tied them up and went for a hike. I hate braking in new boots!!! I went to Incheon grand park for about three hours and took a few photos. The weather was great about 27 degrees. It seems cool compared to about a month ago. I feel great these days, just knowing that I'm going home in less than a month lifts my spirit. I always find that just before I go home time seems to fly by. I have the plane tickets and the boots, I'm ready to rock and roll. I just found out that my brother and his family are going to come up to the camp during deer season. I'm pretty stoked about that. He hasn't spent any time up at the camp yet and I can't wait to have him there. I'm sure his two sons will have a blast. I don't know if Katie will have fun, but I hope she does. She is a bit of a city girl, just like my wife. I think it's the outhouse they don't like, but they should consider themselves lucky, we have a door on it this year!!! Well I guess that's it for today.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Well I went downtown today and got myself a new pair of gore-tex hiking boots for hunting season. I tied them up and went for a hike. I hate braking in new boots!!! I went to Incheon grand park for about three hours and took a few photos. The weather was great about 27 degrees. It seems cool compared to about a month ago. I feel great these days, just knowing that I'm going home in less than a month lifts my spirit. I always find that just before I go home time seems to fly by. I have the plane tickets and the boots, I'm ready to rock and roll. I just found out that my brother and his family are going to come up to the camp during deer season. I'm pretty stoked about that. He hasn't spent any time up at the camp yet and I can't wait to have him there. I'm sure his two sons will have a blast. I don't know if Katie will have fun, but I hope she does. She is a bit of a city girl, just like my wife. I think it's the outhouse they don't like, but they should consider themselves lucky, we have a door on it this year!!! Well I guess that's it for today.
Those spider pics are awesome! I'm sure Katie will have a blast at the camp, and we all know that Jim will! Hopefully Jen and Aaron will bring Autumn and Arianna up to play with Tommy and Clarke. The kids will love it, and Mitch can babysit...ha ha!
Just to set the record straight you almost have a door, i think it is on with one hinge and it don't close.
we use the term "FYI goin to the outhouse"
Well I guess I can fix that. What the hell has Scott been doing for the past 14 months?? The last I heard the outhouse was going to be moved around to the back of the camp. I guess I can do that too!! As you all know, the bathroom is a very big part of my life..
Sorry Scott!!!! Didn't mean to be too hard on you. I would be doing the same thing if I were home!! Can't wait to see ya. Will you have any time off, while I'm home?
God you Guys are Lazy and cheap!put a door on the outhouse already would ya's
Ha ha ha ha... bunch of freaks. Actually Dean, Scott's been spending all his time helping Darcy build the new fence and deck, no time for the poor camp.
Ha ha ha...actually Scott spent that week on vacation. Where did he go again? Oh yeah, four-wheelin' at the camp! LOL (He did help drill the holes for the fence posts though).
I got an email from Scott. He told me that Ted was going to be at the camp with his tractor This weekend. So I guess that I don't have to dig the outhouse hole. pheeeew!! Some stumps are going to go too.
next weekend sept 15-17
I might get him to fix the trail between the camps too
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